Need Hotels In Somnath Temple - Call 9228317067

The Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park was created in the year 1983. It is situated in Wandoor city of Andaman. The National Park shows many marine lives preserved. The Park is surrounded by many Islands, which facilitates many water sports to tourists and please them with its serene beauty.

Hotels In Somnath - 9228317067

Opening Hours:

All Days (Except Monday)

9 am to 3 pm

Entry Fee:

Indian per person Rs 50 /-

Child Rs 25 /-

Foreigner per person Rs 500 /-

photography Rs 25 /-


Forest Department Permit per person Rs 50 /-

Permit Available at Counter on Wandoor Jetty

Plastic bottles & Bags - Not Allowed

If carried - Have to deposit money (for each plastic items)

Security Deposit (up to 3 Bottles) - Rs 100 /-

Camera Permit - Rs 25 /-

How to Reach:

By Air:Nearest:

Vir Savarkar International Airport - 20 km

By Road:Nearest:

Port Blair - 18 km

State Transport and Private Buses - Easily Available

By Ship:

Vishakhapatnam to Port Blair - 1200 km

Chennai to Port Blair - 1190 km

Kolkata to Port Blair - 1255 km

Islands Near by:

The Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park is surrounded by 15 Islands. The list of the below islands are and specialties of each of them are given for the better understanding about the National park.

List of Islands:

Name Of The Island Specialty

Alexandra Reef wall,Sea fan Jungle

Belle Patchy Coral Reef

Boating Turtle nesting beach,giant grouper

Chester Large coral rock,sea fans

Grub Excellent coral Reef,giant clam, feather stars

Hobday Underwater cave, giant grouper, saltwater crocodile habitat

Jolly Buoy Large shoals of fishes, good diversity of corals & reef wall

Malaya Patchy coral reefs

Pluto Patchy coral reefs

Redskin Reef wall, high diversity of corals, saltwater crocodile habitat

Rifleman Strong current, sea fans

Snob patchy coral reef, sea grass beds

Twins Turtle nesting beach, sharks, manta rays, moray ells

Tarmugli Turtle nesting beach, saltwater crocodile habitat, crystal clear water, sharks

Rutland Game Fishing, Wildlife Boards

Hotels In Somnath - 9228317067

Are you planning for a holiday in Melbourne with your family and friends? Melbourne is surely one of the most vibrant cities in the world and surely the best destination for tourism in the Southern Hemisphere. It is an ideal place for vacation offering you the perfect mix of heritage and a modern city. There is so much to see and experience that even a vacation to this city running into weeks can keep your craving for more. The magnificence of its architecture, the warmth of its markets and the many secrets in its streets and alleys are always waiting to be explored. Take tram rides on some historical routes or enjoy the festivities around the year, Melbourne's true offerings to a traveller is surely indescribable in words.

Hotels In Somnath - 9228317067

However, it goes without saying that the place you choose to stay would surely determine your experience during the trip. Choose the wrong place and you may have something to regret for the rest of your lives. So have you booked your accommodation in Melbourne? The very idea of cramming yourself into a hotel room may already sound disappointing. Let's admit the fact that people are increasingly becoming tired of staying at hotels. Irrespective of the star-grading all hotels look and function pretty much the same way. Talk of the presidential suits at hotels and all you get is extra living space and that too for exorbitant tariffs. It isn't about the money as you surely wouldn't mind paying but by the way of experience you are offered the same old services that you have got elsewhere in the world.

Hotels In Somnath - 9228317067

If you are looking for a change and wish to stay real presidential style you should explore penthouses in Melbourne for hire. You may have already heard and read about serviced apartments and how popular they have become in the recent years and these penthouses are the best in class accommodation that you would find in a serviced apartment. These penthouses offer you all the luxuries and amenities that you can buy at luxurious hotels minus their ills. You feel the experience of staying at your own luxurious apartment rather than being part of the crowd at a hotel. Are you willing to trade this for anything else? We bet you won't.

Hotels In Somnath - 9228317067

Why Are Luxury Penthouse in Melbourne Popular?

Serviced apartments have become popular around the world. There is no better testimony to this than the fact that some of the biggest hotel chains in the world have themselves got into this business to arrest the loss of customers to these apartments. If luxury suites at hotels were one of their best bargaining points, service apartment is taking this competition head-on. A few of the serviced apartment companies have launched their very one luxury penthouse in Melbourne and the traditional hoteliers are facing the heat. This brings us to a very important question - why should you choose a luxury penthouse in Melbourne. There are many reasons and here we take a look at some of the most obvious ones -

Hotels In Somnath - 9228317067

The Home Feel

When you stay at a hotel you are a part of the crowd. While you may have booked into the most expensive suite you still have to share many of the amenities available with hundreds of other guests. But in a serviced apartment you would stay much like the way you do at your own home. It only gets a little more luxurious with a penthouse!

Hotels In Somnath - 9228317067


Before checking into a serviced penthouse you can request for certain kind of customization to your bedroom and living space just to meet your own tastes. This gives you the best of both worlds where you have the best in terms of amenities like you get in a hotel and at the same time have the apartment tailored to your own liking.

Hotels In Somnath - 9228317067


Hotels tend to have strict rules and bindings. That's understandable as they cater to a large number of guests at the same time and hence there need to be some bindings on the clients to ensure none of them disturbs the privacy or sensitivities of other guests. At serviced penthouses, you can expect much more flexibility which allows you to stay just like the way you want.

Hotels In Somnath - 9228317067

Better Services

Like in a hotel you aren't a part of the crowd and hence can develop a better bond with the management during your stay. They are likely to understand your needs and wants better than in a hotel and offer you better services in return.


This is one of the best parts of staying in an apartment as you would get housekeeping services just the way you want it. While a hotel would also promise you the same but the staff also has to cater to a large number of guests which often makes it difficult for them to live up to their promises.

Hotels In Somnath - 9228317067


While this may not apply to everyone if you are a public figure staying at a hotel has its own challenges. At every step, you may get requests for autographs and photographs. No matter how much you hate it your vacation is often ruined by such requests. Serviced penthouse, on the other hand, let you enjoy a more private stay than the one you have in a hotel.


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